Timothy Anthony
Ph.D. Student, Division for Late Medieval and Reformation Studies
Graduate Associate Teacher
Bert Barickman
Associate Professor
Julia Clancy-Smith
Regents Professor, Middle Eastern & North African Studies
Luis Coronado Guel
Adjunct Instructor
Director, SBS Mexico Initiatives
Nicole Crisp
Ph.D. Student, Middle Eastern History
Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Fellow
Leonard Dinnerstein
Professor, Emeritus
Pamela Fernandez Navas
Ph.D. Student, Latin American History
Benjamin Fortna
Director, Middle Eastern and North African Studies
Professor, Middle Eastern and North African Studies
Alison Futrell
Associate Professor
Kevin Gosner
Associate Professor
Honors Faculty Advisor
Courtney Hall
M.A. Student, Division for Late Medieval and Reformation Studies
Graduate Assistant
She, Her, Hers
Katie M. Hemphill
Associate Professor
Director, Undergraduate Studies
Alexandra Labenz
M.A. Student, Division for Late Medieval and Reformation Studies
Research Assistant
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Ute Lotz-Heumann
Director, Division for Late Medieval and Reformation Studies
Heiko A. Oberman Chair in Late Medieval and Reformation History
Myrsini Manney-Kalogera
Ph.D. Student, Middle Eastern History
Graduate Associate Teacher
Victoria Meyer
Director, Bachelor of General Studies at the University of Arizona North Valley
Assistant Professor, Bachelor of General Studies
Liliana Mondragon-Morales
M.A. Student, Division for Late Medieval and Reformation Studies
Katherine Morrissey
Department Head
Helen Nader
Professor, Emerita
Maha Nassar
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Middle Eastern and North African Studies
Associate Professor, Middle Eastern and North African Studies
Sandra Park
Assistant Professor, East Asian Studies
David A. Pietz
Regents Professor
UNESCO Chair in Environmental History
Beth Plummer
Susan C. Karant-Nunn Chair in Reformation and Early Modern European History
Matthew Sakiestewa Gilbert
Professor, American Indian Studies
Professor, History
John Senseney
Associate Professor
Director, Graduate Studies
Andrew Slemmon
Ph.D. Student, Latin American History
Graduate Associate Teacher
He, Him, His
Tyina Steptoe
Associate Professor
Donald Weinstein
Professor, Emeritus
Andrew Wickersham
Ph.D. Student, Middle Eastern History
Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Fellow