Scholarships and Awards

How to Apply

You can apply for our departmental scholarships through Scholarship Universe

Completed applications are due in November for the spring 2025 semester awards. Please submit your applications before the deadline, in order to be considered for these awards.

Departmental Scholarships

All scholarships require you to be enrolled during the academic year 2024-2025. Students who receive these awards and scholarships are celebrated at History's Commencement Reception and Ceremony held annually in May.

Alyce Collinge Scholarship

Eligibility: Undergraduate or graduate History students. Preference for first generation students and for students with 3.0 GPA or higher. 

Benjamin Arthur Hesketh Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility: Undergraduate History major junior/senior with a minimum 3.3 cumulative GPA. Must be a full-time student. The scholarship is based on the student's desire to pursue an interest in History through their work or hobbies after graduation.

Daniel Singer Transfer Student Award

Eligibility: Undergraduate transfer or online students majoring in History. Preference given to enrolled members of Phi Theta Kappa and students with a 3.0 GPA or higher.

Grace B. & Robert A. Cosgrove Endowment Scholarship

Eligibility: Undergraduate History major senior with minimum Major GPA of 3.7 and cumulative GPA of 3.5. Award preference will be given to an honors student. The selection will be made by the Department of History and will be subject to the approval of the Office of Student Financial Aid.

History Undergraduate Scholarship Endowment

Eligibility: Undergraduate History major junior with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA. Must demonstrate financial need. The selection will be made by the Department of History and will be subject to the approval of the Office of Student Financial Aid.

J. Robert Vignery Endowment Fund

Eligibility: Undergraduate History major with a distinguished academic record and financial need. The awardee will be appointed in the spring semester for the following year and may be eligible to renew for a second academic year.

James Donohoe Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility: Undergraduate junior/senior with a minimum 3.0 GPA in history courses; must have completed 6 units of European history courses.

Loretta R. & Joseph F. Cummings Endowment Fund

Eligibility: Undergraduate History major junior with a minimum major GPA of 3.7 and a cumulative GPA of 3.5. Award preference will be given to an honors student. The selection will be made by the Department of History and will be subject to the approval of the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Lute Olson Scholarship

Eligibility: History undergraduate in the College of Education with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 OR a graduated history major pursuing a post-Baccalaureate teaching certificate. The selection will be made by the Department of History and will be subject to the approval of the Department Head and the Office of Student Financial Aid. Number and amount shall vary according to the distribution from the endowment.

Rolf S. and Sarah B. Peters Scholarship Endowment

Eligibility: Full-time history major. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need and are Arizona residents, but not necessarily United States Citizens. Preference will also be given to students who are the first in their family to attend college, but this is not a requirement.

The Robidoux Foundation History Undergraduate Scholarship

Eligibility: Undergraduate History major with a 3.0 GPA in history courses, academic merit, and financial need; may be either part-time or full-time student.

The Janice B. Gerton Memorial Study Abroad Scholarship

Eligibility: UA History student participating in a credit-bearing, faculty-led, exchange or direct enroll program whose credits are fully accepted by UA for a UA degree program. Award supports course work at any college or university located outside the United States. 

William J. DeLong Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility: Undergraduate History major junior/senior with a minimum GPA of 3.0; exemplify a strong commitment to civic ideals and public service through extra-curricular activities.

William H. Hesketh Endowment Fund

Eligibility: Undergraduate History major enrolled in senior capstone course OR Graduate History student who passed comprehensive exams. Recipients shall be selected by a committee consisting of the department head, and one or two senior faculty members. Funds are only to be used to support research (e.g. costs of travel, per diem, access fees) or to deliver a paper at a conference or similar professional gathering that enables the student to be introduced to the history community.

Alternative Scholarships

To apply, contact Adam Donaldson for more information.