Study Abroad
Immerse yourself in the history and cultures of other countries as you earn academic credit for your major or minor.
"It’s one thing to read about the places you study; it’s another thing to travel abroad and see the actual environment, to interact with real people, and feel the ambiance where history took place."
– History undergraduate
Why Study Abroad?
Study abroad opens the doors to an entire world of new experiences. Immerse yourself in another culture, learn a new language, or become proficient in a language you've studied at the university. You can even apply study abroad credits toward your history major.
Financial Support
Financial support may be available to cover costs for your study abroad adventure. The History Department also offers the $5000 annual Janice B. Gerton Memorial Study Abroad Scholarship. This scholarship may be used for courses of study at any college or university located outside the United States for students participating in a credit-bearing, faculty-led, exchange or direct enroll program whose credits are fully accepted by UA for a UA degree program.
Popular Study Abroad Programs
Course credits from the popular programs below can be applied toward your history degree. To see other Study Abroad Programs tailored for History majors, use the Study Abroad Program Search and select "History" in the "Field of Study" menu.

Medieval Europe Study Tour
Academics: 6 units of UA direct credit is offered upon completion of the program. Participants from all academic disciplines are welcomed, but the academic focus of this educational tour through Europe is the structural, social, cultural, and political impact of the Middle Ages on Europe.
When: Early June- Late June
Where: European locations for Summer 2025 TBD.
Program Cost: TBD
Contact: You may email Professor Albrecht Classen .
Arizona in Orvieto
Academics: Students can take up to 13 units per semester and 6 units over summer. Courses are regularly offered in Classics, Communication, Archaeology, Psychology, Art History, Italian, Studio Art, Photojournalism, Information Resources, eSociety, English, and History. Please see the Arizona in Orvieto website for the most current course listings.
When: Fall or Spring semester, or in the Summer
Where: Orvieto, Italy
Program Cost: Fall semester- $13,580; Spring semester- $14,580; Summer- $6,480
Contact: Email David Soren for more information.

Arizona in Israel
Academics: 6-12 units of UA credit. 2024 courses include Jewish Civilization (JUS/HIST/RELI 301, Tier II) and International Human Rights, Transitional Justice, and Israel (JUS 384). Other options may be available depending on student demand.
When: June 2 - Aug 6, 2024 (prospective)
Where: Israel (Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv) and Zambia ((Lukasa & Mphande).
Program Cost: $13,000 (estimated)
Contact: For course information or to inquire about possible scholarship from the Center for Judaic Studies, please contact David Graizbord.
Apply for Study Abroad Credits
Contact our academic advisor, Paloma Boykin (boykin1@arizona.edu), for more information on applying your course credit to your history degree.