Accelerated Master's Program


Master's Program

Complete both your B.A. and M.A. in history in as little as five years.

About the Program

The Accelerated Master's Program in History provides an opportunity for high-achieving undergraduate history majors to obtain their B.A. and M.A. degrees in History in five years. This program is intended both for students interested in enhancing their qualifications for careers in politics, business, public policy, teaching, museum studies, and public history, as well as for students interested in admission to other graduate programs (such as J.D. programs at law schools, and M.A. or Ph.D. programs). Currently, our Accelerated Master's Program in History is open only to University of Arizona undergraduate History majors.

Admission Requirements

Talk to your advisor about how and when to apply. You must have an excellent academic record and the ability to balance your coursework in a fast-paced program.

To apply, you must:

  • have completed a minimum of 75 undergraduate units  
  • have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 
  • have completed HIST 301

The application is due the semester before you wish to start the AMP. A GRE score is not required.

To start the program, you must:

  • have completed a minimum of 90 undergraduate units
  • have completed all Gen Ed and Foundations requirements 
  • have completed HIST 498

How to Apply

Your program application will include:

  • All college transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendation (at least 2 from UA Faculty)
  • A personal essay

The application is due during the Spring Semester of each year, for commencement of the program in the following Fall Semester. GRE score is not required.

Submit your application online through the UA Graduate College. Click on "Apply Now" to access the online application. Select the Accelerated MA application, not the regular MA application.

Program Requirements

  • 12 units of 500-level graduate courses while completing your bachelor’s degree
  • 3 units of HIST 695K in first semester after completing your bachelor’s degree
  • 6 units of 696 classes
  • 9 units of HIST 600-level courses
  • Pass Graduate Foreign Language Proficiency Exam
  • Pass comprehensive oral exam

For More Information

For general questions, information on the application process, and advice on specific history course work needed to apply, please contact one of the following people:

John Senseney
Director of Graduate Studies
Chávez 403B

Adam Donaldson
Graduate Program Coordinator
 Chávez 427

Paloma Boykin 
SBS History Advisor
Chávez 403C