Aug. 24, 2021 The Department of History is excited to welcome Ryan Kashanipour as an Assistant Professor of Practice!
Aug. 12, 2021 Congratulations to Ute Lotz-Heumann on her recent book publication, "The German Spa in the Long Eighteenth Century: A Cultural History"
Aug. 1, 2021 Congratulations to Katherine Morrissey for being honored by the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society with the Byron Cummings Award!
July 16, 2021 Katie Hemphill's book Bawdy City: Commercial Sex and Regulation in Baltimore, 1790–1915, won the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic's Mary Kelley Prize!
July 15, 2021 Congratulations to History Department Head Alison Futrell for her involvement in the National Geographic video, "Why Rome's gladiatorial games were more complex than just a blood sport!"
July 6, 2021 Congratulations to History Ph.D. graduate student Alex Nuñez for being selected to be a virtual fellow this summer with the Smithsonian’s Latino Museum Studies Program!
June 25, 2021 Congratulations to Michael Brescia for winning the 2021 Dan Shilling Humanities Public Scholar Award!
June 23, 2021 Susan Crane discusses her recent book Nothing Happened: A History on the New Books Network podcast
June 21, 2021 Affiliated faculty Laura Goffman publishes the article, "A Jar of Shaykhs’ Teeth: Medicine, Politics, and the Fragments of History in Kuwait"