The M.A. degree requires 33 units, completion of a thesis project or two seminar papers, and the completion of your comprehensive exam.
Course Requirements
HIST 695K: Historiography
- Must be taken during your first year of the program.
- This three-unit course cannot count toward your 18 concentration units.
18 Concentration Units (695/696 Courses)
- Concentrate in one of the following fields: Early European History, Modern European History, United States History, East Asian History, or Latin American History.
- 6 of the 18 concentration units may be substituted as a Thesis project.
- You have the option to complete a Thesis project or to take two 696 courses through which you will complete two seminar papers (one for each of the two courses).
12 Elective Units
- 6 of the 12 elective units may be taken with another department or transferred from another graduate program.
- Transfer credits must be submitted for approval from your major advisor and the Director of Graduate Studies during your first year.
- 3 units may be earned through professional coursework (GIS, teaching methods and practice, etc.)
For Fields Without Regular or Sufficient 695/696 Courses
- You may meet the 18 concentration units requirement by doing at least one colloquium in the major field.
- You may take relevant 695 or 696 courses in other departments (6 units max).
- You can take either a World History Colloquium or a Comparative History Colloquium (3 units max).
- Or appeal to substitute a 699 in lieu of a colloquium or seminar in the major field (3 units max; require justification and approved in writing by your major advisor and the DGS).
Other Requirements & Documentations
You must also complete the following reports and documentation before the completion of the M.A. program:
- Second Language requirements & tests must be met or completed prior to your comprehensive exam.
- Selection of your M.A. committee must be completed by the end of your second semester. It consists of your Major Advisor plus two faculty members, at least one of the latter must be from the History department.
- M.A. plan of study must be submitted by the end of your second semester to the Graduate College for approval. It includes courses to be transferred (if applicable), courses are taken at the UA, and courses to be taken to fulfill program requirements.
- Annual progress report must be submitted every year in January on the financial award form distributed on the graduate list-serv.
- Master's Thesis (optional): If you choose to complete a Master's Thesis in place of the two seminar papers, the Director of Graduate Studies will assist you in selecting an appropriate advisor within our department. You are encouraged to write at least a portion of the thesis in the Department History 696 seminar. Your thesis's acceptability will be examined by your M.A. committee as part of your Comprehensive Examination.
Comprehensive Exam
This exam can be in either oral or written format, at the discretion of your M.A. committee who administers it. The topics and bibliography will be assembled by you and your M.A. committee based on the work you completed a a graduate student.
Oral exam will not exceed three hours; written exam consists of a 24-hour take-home portion given by each of the three committee members.
Advancement to Ph.D. Program
If you want to be considered for advancement to the Ph.D. program after you have passed the M.A. examination, you should consult with your major advisor and the Director of Graduate Studies about the process. In addition to filling out the Department's Student Petition for Advancement to the Ph.D. Program form you will need to complete the PhD application through GradApp.