Find the information you need for gaining travel approval, for registering International travel, and for getting your expenses reimbursed.
Pre-Travel Authorization
No more Travel Authorization Forms!
- Please complete the Department Qualtrics Travel information form:
Note: If you are traveling Internationally, please fill out the International Travel registry first, and then add the registry number to the Department Qualtrics Travel information form. (see details and links below).
Note: If you are anticipating reimbursement, please verify the availability of funds with the Department Head.
- Crystal Govan will enter your information into the new Concur Travel system. The electronic form will be signed and authorized by the Department Head and Business Manager.
You are able to check your information through the Concur Travel system.
For International Travel
- All international travel require a minimum of 30 days notification.
- In addition to submitting the Department Qualtrics Travel Information Form, you must register your trip through UA Global Travel Registry (Terradotta).
- Terradotta registration will provide you with an "International Travel Registry Number" that you must fill in on the Department Qualtrics Travel Information Form.
- You are responsible to complete and review the status of your travel on Terradotta. Make sure all information has been submitted correctly in the system, including the "Additional Questionnaire".
- Terradotta registration will provide you with an "International Travel Registry Number" that you must fill in on the Department Qualtrics Travel Information Form.
- If you are traveling to a foreign country, be sure to verify if the country is a travel warning country. You can do so by visiting the U.S. Department of State's website on traveling abroad.
- If your destination is a travel warning country, you must also submit additional forms, including:
- "Travel Supplemental Authorization Form for Travel Warning Areas" on UA Global Travel Registry (Terradotta).
- Travel Registration on Terradotta, including the "Supplemental Questionnaire".
Travel Advances
- For travel advances the travel authorization must be completed no later than 2 weeks prior to departure date. No travel advances will be issued if submitted with less than 2 week notice under any circumstances.
- Additionally, original receipts must be provided for a Travel Expense Report to the Business Center ( within 2 weeks of arrival at your destination. Failure to do so will result in your travel advances being withdrawn from your account.
Post-Travel Reimbursement Guidelines
General Guidelines
- If you are requesting a travel reimbursement, you must submit all original receipts along with a completed (but not yet signed) Travel Expense Report via email to the business center. Address the email to . Use REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST: as the Subject field.
IN THE BODY OF THE EMAIL you should include: 1/ Itemized Receipts; 2/ A COMPLETE UA Business Purpose (which includes the who what where when why and HOW these expenses benefit the university’s mission and goals.); and 3/ Accompanying Documentation (e.g. meeting agendas, attendee lists & affiliation, etc.)
- Please do so as soon as possible, ideally within a week of your return. As a reminder, if the reimbursement process extends beyond 90 days, your reimbursement will be considered as "income" and thus subject to tax.
- If you requested a Travel Advance, you must submit all original receipts along with a completed (but not yet signed) Travel Expense Report to the business center within 2 weeks of arrival at your destination. Failure to do so will result in your travel advances being withdrawn from your account.
Financial Services Office's policy.
Reimbursing Meals
- If you received Per Diem, no meal receipts are needed. Otherwise, you must keep your original receipts and itemize each of them. Failure to do so may result in reimbursement being denied by the Financial Services Office.
- Per Diem is not allocated on the bases of the days of travel but on the time of departure and arrival. For example if your travel starts at night, you will only receive Per Diem for dinner and not for all 3 meals of the day.
- If it was a group travel, it is easier and preferable for each group member to pay for their own meals and submit reimbursement requests individually. Be sure to keep your original receipts.
Reimbursing Lodging
- Under no circumstance should you pay for someone else's lodging. Financial Services Office will not reimburse you for purchases incurred on other's behalf.
- Be sure to provide a lodging receipt and not an invoice. A receipt should contain the method of payment and/or say "Balance due $0.00" while an invoice will only state the cost of the rooms. Financial Services Office will not reimburse invoices.
- Financial Services Office will only reimburse up to the maximum Per Diem lodging allowance. Only when your hotel was a site for a conference and documentation was provided would Financial Services Office allow payment exceeding the maximum Per Diem amount.
Reimbursing Transportation
Financial Services Office will reimburse only the basic transportation but not for any of the added fees or commodities. This includes charges for choosing seats, upgrades, or overweight luggages. The only time when the charge for overweight luggage would be permissible is if the faculty provides a signed memo stating the reason and how this was used for scholastic purposes in the conference/meeting.
Additional Travel Expenses
If additional travel expenses were made, be sure to provide the original receipts with an explanation of what they were and their purpose of purchase. Financial Services Office will not reimburse any alcohol, tobacco, or medical products purchased during your travel.
History Department Number: 0415
Department PO Box: 210023
Department Room: Chávez 415
Department Contact: Maggie Trinkle
Contact Phone: 520-626-4206
Department Approval:
Fund Approver:
For More Information
Chavez Business Center:
Maggie Trinkle
Business Administrator, Senior