Katie M. Hemphill Associate Professor Director, Undergraduate Studies Gender/sexuality US History: South 19th-century US 520-621-3736 khemphill@arizona.edu
Kevin Gosner Associate Professor Honors Faculty Advisor Colonial Latin America Ethnohistory Early modern world history 520-621-1168 kgosner@arizona.edu
Alison Futrell Associate Professor Roman Games and Spectacle Popular culture 520-621-3879 afutrell@arizona.edu
Richard Eaton Professor Pre-colonial India World and comparative history Modern South Asia 520-621-8120 reaton@arizona.edu
Susan A. Crane Professor Theory and Practice of History History and Memory 520-621-1113 scrane@arizona.edu
William Beezley Professor Mexican History and Culture Latin American Cultural History Malbec wine 520-621-7107 beezley@arizona.edu
John Bauschatz Associate Professor Greek and Roman history Greek papyrology Crime and punishment in the ancient world 520-621-7422 jbausch1@arizona.edu