Laura Tabili

Chávez 403F
Since coming to the University of Arizona, I have been been responsible for guiding undergraduate and graduate students who wish to study Modern European history. I teach an array of courses that take Europe as a whole, rather than one country, as the unit of analysis. They include War, Peace & Social Change in Europe, 1870-1945 (314a), Europe Since 1945 (314b), Women in European History (455), Britain 1700-1914: Industry & Empire (321A), and Britain Since 1914: Great War to Cool Britannia (321B). In these we seek to discover what is commonly and uniquely European while acknowledging Europe’s internal diversity and its many links to the world beyond. In addition, I teach the cross-disciplinary and comparative courses Work, Culture & Power (427) and Women & Work (453). I have taught graduate courses on the history of European imperialism, on women in Europe, on “outsiders” in European history, the core course on Women’s and Gender history, on postcolonial approaches to imperial history, and on class, racial and gender formation in European history. All of these emphasize the fluidity of national, racial and gender categories and identities, the mobility of populations, and how changing class, gender and racial relationships reflected and also affected the nature of European societies. I have also taught the graduate research seminar many times. The graduate courses are designed to acquaint students with a range of methodological approaches and to equip them with the analytical tools they will need to pursue scholarly careers.