The History Department's student organizations, History Graduate Association and Phi Alpha Theta (History Club), are organizing the 2021 UArizona History Open House this spring. They are looking for ambitious undergraduate and graduate students to submit short recorded research presentations. This is a wonderful opportunity to share your own research with the community and familiarize yourself with your peers' current projects! If you are interested, here's what you'll need to do...
STEP 1: Title and Abstract
The first thing we need to collect are the title and abstract for your presentation. These proposals can be on any theme, including personal capstone research, internship projects, volunteer work, etc. The abstract should be no more than 250 words. Moreover, it is perfectly fine if it's not final at the time of submission.
Deadline for abstract submission is Monday, March 1
Submit online to our Google Form at: https://forms.gle/NCfQAfcpfWPvL46ZA
STEP 2: Recorded Research Presentation
For your research presentation, you must prepare some type of digital media that displays your project. This could be a poster created in Adobe InDesign, a short PowerPoint, a collage, an Adobe Spark webpage etc. Get creative with it! Then, we ask that you record video or audio of yourself presenting your display for 4 - 7 minutes. One way you can do this is through Zoom, simply record a meeting to the Cloud and download the version with Speaker View from your Zoom account. We will be uploading your videos to Youtube and a linked event webpage, so we need you to complete the attached copyright release form as well.
Deadline for final presentation submission is Sunday, April 25
Email a copy of your digital media, recording, and copyright release form to our Box folder at: History.2j4z14gitftqisji@u.box.com
STEP 3: Virtual Event and Award Ceremony
In the weeks following the submission deadline, your presentations will be reviewed by judges for the chance to win a cash prize. After finals, they will hold a virtual event on Zoom and invite people from the university and the community to join in watching all of the presentations. They will tell you what time your video will be shown during the live event so that you may join in to answer questions in the chat if you wish. Once they have gone through all of the videos, the judges will announce the prize winners during a brief award ceremony.
The event will take place on Friday, May 14th at 10 AM
10:00 AM “Chess, Sugar, and Power in the Early Modern Period” By: Amy Carolyn Watson
10:15 AM “A Question of Global or Private Interests: Western Players in the International Response to Libya During the Arab Spring” By: Karissa Bowers
10:30 AM “Within the Home: Women's Roles in Viking-Age Scandinavia & Foodways” By: Iliana Pacheco
10:45 AM “The Legends of Warrior Queens: Cleopatra VII, Boudica, and Zenobia in Roman Imperial Discourse.” By: Katrina Kuxhausen-DeRose
11:00 AM “Beer and Brewing in the Middle Ages”. By: Christopher Schwarz
11:15 AM “Theatrical Performance at the Feast of the Pheasant” By: Kathryn Barton
11:30 AM “My Ancestors in "Familienbuch Reichelsheim 1643-1875" By: Ariana Cieslak
11:45 AM “The Baring Brothers Crisis of 1890: Why Was Barings Saved?” By: Charles B. Hintz
12:00 PM “The Dialectic of Discernment: An Essay on Three Revisionist Approaches in History” By: Don Unger
12:15 PM “Turning On The Journey: The Radio Industry in the Context of The Bracero Program” By: Liliana Toledo-Guzmán
Awards Ceremony (12:30 PM)
Best Research Methodology
Best Visual Media
Best Oral Presentation