Phi Alpha Theta Talk: Is there a New Cold War with China? A Historical Perspective



4:30 p.m., Feb. 24, 2021


Join the Phi Alpha Theta Talk on Wednesday, February 24th at 4:30 PM for a presentation by Department of History Professor Dr. Fabio Lanza entitled "Is there a New Cold War with China? A Historical Perspective." There seems to be a growing consensus in Washington that the US is or will soon be engaged in a "New Cold War” with the People’s Republic of China. China is portrayed in the US media as a competitor, an adversary, and an enemy, one that presents a dangerous alternative to the Western model of liberal democracy. China’s political repression in Hong Kong  and ethnic oppression in Xinjiang and Tibet are often cited as examples of China’s uniquely authoritarian system. This talk will provide a historical perspective on both the US-China relations and China’s policies at its borders.

This event is free and open to the public. 


Katrina Kuxhausen-Derose